
If ever God gave me a calling, other than being a mommy myself, it was to immerse myself in the world of birth. To support, love, nurture, and be an ever present tether in the beautiful storm that is labour. I imagine this will look different every time I have the honor of supporting parents-to-be in this way. And it doesn't stop at birth.

My hands were made to help and to soothe. My mouth meant to cheer, comfort, and pray. Be it prenatally, in labour, or postpartum. My heart has a desire to capture the beauty of the world around me. So capture them I do. Maybe not perfectly but with gusto and a drive to learn and do more. New blog. New life. New experiences.

Hello there... I'm Kayla and I am training for certification with Childbirth International as a Birth and Postpartum Doula. I'm a hobbyist photographer that finds connections and emotions in what I see and wants to share the way I see them. I'm mommy to three amazingly creative children who end up teaching me more about life than I teach them in our daily homeschooling. I'm wife to a gentle, sweet soul of a man whose forgiveness and love remind me of only Jesus.

Prepare for over sharing, stumbling through my poor writing, and hopefully an eye into my heart for birth.
